Meet Brittany Collector of Memories | Dessert Lover I know the expectation here is for me to tell you how passionate I am about photography. Don't get me wrong.
Preserving memories for me is like breathing. The thought of capturing the way he looks at her and the love
they have for each other makes me weepy just thinking about it. And while I do weep (a lot), if we are going
to be friends, you should probably know a little be more about me and my story.

You will find I speak mostly in movie quotes and song lyrics. If you can quote Chandler Bing, we'll probably
be great friends. I regularly celebrate obscure holidays. I love to hear and tell stories. I've read Harry Potter
more times than I care to admit publicly. I live for summer nights around the campfire with friends.

I love being a mama. My three kids are the world's greatest humans, followed closely by their dad. If you saw
the number of photos I've taken of them, you would be embarrassed for me. I love to document our travels.
Someday I will have a whole library of vacation albums.

I am gifted at discovering the specific things that makes a person unique. I love people for all of their details.
Being a photographer has allowed me to get to know so many new people that I now consider friends. This is
a life-giving job that I'm incredibly thankful for!
Meet My Family
Braden The Voice of Reason | Resident Computer Nerd

Sanity-checker and business manager,
takes care of 95% of my life, plays the drums both
actual and steering wheel, thinks bacon is life,
occasionally wears his hair in a faux hawk.
Cece Animal Lover | Everything Enthusiast

Joy, excitement, and wonder personified,
owns at least 250 stuffed animals, loves every last
one of them, begs to go to Disneyland at least once
a week, refuses to order from the kid's menu.
Rosie Climber | Advanced Mischief-Maker

Keeper of the most magnificent cheeks,
loves to go on adventures, shy but super smart,
loves cottage cheese and watching Bluey,
afraid of the vacuum but loves spooky books.
Brennan Red-Head | Heart Melter

The happiest, smiliest baby you will ever meet,
turns into the most dramatic when he's hungry,
the biggest surprise of my life thus far,
loves his sisters and Fall Out Boy.